Is your usual work-life routine mining your well-being intentions? Here is how collagen drinks and shakes can support your energy, youth and vitality.

healthy drinksPh. Element5 Digital

Collagen drinks and meal replacements can give you more when your busy life threatens your eating and living healthy goals. Ask So Body Co.

If life could be easy like drinking a glass of water... maybe it is! When time seems never enough to take proper care of ourselves and what we are giving to our bodies, drinkable solutions are the convenient answer.

So Body Co. Drinkable Health Solutions

So Body Co. has an easy-to-make line of collagen drinks and meal replacement shakes that matches your taste, your body's necessities and your busy lifestyle.

CollaSlim, Gorgeous Greens and Peptigen+ are the answers from So Body Co. to your call for healthy drinks you can trust and do yourself. But why step into collagen powders?

Why Collagen Is Important

Sipping a collagen drink is neither a lazy habit nor a buzzed trend. On the contrary, it can be a daily habit to tackle issues that arrive with ageing. Joint pain, thinning hair, fragile bones and wrinkles – just to name a few – have one thing in common: collagen, or its loss.

Collagen is one of the most abundant and important proteins in our bodies as it forms the structure of skin tissues, cartilage, muscles, tendons...

As we age, our body slows down its production with visible effects on how we look, feel and ultimately move and live. The good news is that we can restore collagen in our diet with natural sources of collagen and supplements like powders, a fact backed up by clinical studies.

So Body Co. CollaSlim

So body co replacement meal drinkPh. So Body Co. 

When you are too busy, you can drink your meal and give your body the collagen it needs with CollaSlim. This gluten-free meal replacement shake is a low-fat solution which replenishes your body with vitamins, nutrients and 5,000 mg of hydrolysed marine collagen. You do not have to worry about preparing a full meal if you do not have the time nor think about calories: 201 calories per glass and a tasty strawberry flavour (chocolate or other 4 more) will help you support your weight loss programme without lowering your mood.


"I’m not looking to lose weight but my days are often busy and I find I don't eat well so I take CollaSlim meal replacement at lunchtime to stabilise my weight. I mix it with milk creating a tasty strawberry milkshake. Brilliant product!" - Deborah St. Louis Director

So Body Co. Gorgeous Greens

So Body Co. Gorgeous GreensPh. So Body Co.

How many times have you heard or said to your kids "eat your greens"? Do you find it hard yourself? So Body Co. Gorgeous Greens makes eating your greens easy with its 30-day pack. This super powder provides you with minerals, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants and the Vitamin C your body needs to produce more collagen.

Now you can tick your 5-a-day list and detoxify your body thanks to the green power of spinach, kale, apples, avocado's, spirulina and more...


"This product is one of those that if you like it, you like and if you don’t, you don’t. It isn't really for me. I find the flavour too strong, and I didn’t like the way it mixes in drinks which is how I prefer to take suppliments. Try it yourself and see how you get on and get some Gorgeous Greens into your body." – Deborah St. Louis Director

So Body Co. Peptigen+

So Body Co. Peptigen+Ph. So Body Co.

Add this multi-collagen powder to any of your drinks to give them a boost. So Body Co. Peptigen+ contains only 3 natural ingredients (marine, bovine and egg collagen). This means zero fillers, zero fat and zero carbs. This powder cuts down to the very essentials: 5 types of collagen that your body needs head to toe for longer hair and nails, firmer skin, stronger joint, and better gut health. A scoop a day, and in 30 days your body will thank you.


“This product is great and not like any supplements I have tried before. It’s a pink powder but whatever you mix it with it mixes well, leaving no lumps or horrible taste. I like to mix mine into my orange juice every morning before I start my working day. One month in and I feel more energised and healthier for taking this product. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for an alternative way to get more daily vitamins into their body with no hassle.” – Deborah St. Louis Director

The healthy selves you and we are looking for, every time the new year starts, are just one glass away. Start sipping the right way and join in the conversation.

Looking for more ideas and product discoveries to stay healthy all year round? Find more on Fashions Finest and receive them in your inbox when you sign up for our Friday newsletter. We are also on Instagram: follow us for more.

Published in Blog
Thursday, 06 January 2022 10:48

Korean Skincare Latest Trends for 2022

The popularity of K-beauty will see no cease in 2022 and we can already tell you what are going to be the next Korean skincare trends that your skin will love this year.

2022 Korean skincare trends - Glass SkinCourtesy of Atomy

Ruby McGrath, MD of Korean skincare brand Atomy, reveals the latest trends that will be big in 2022.

In the UK, Google research on Korean skincare went up by 200%. As its success and appreciation do not stop, K-beauty does not stop to surprise us. Here we have expert Ruby McGrath, MD of Atomy, unveiling the latest Korean trends for 2022.

'Low-irritation' Cosmetics

low-irritant cosmetics - Atomy fame sull set - K-beauty trends 2022

“Korean skincare has been influenced by a global skin concern: the so-called 'maskne'. As masks become more prevalent in our lives, it’s having an effect on our skin including dryness, redness, irritation and ‘maskne’. ‘Low-irritation’ cosmetics are designed to soothe angry pores and skin troubles.

Ceramides are incredibly popular at the moment, thanks to their skin-soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why we have added them to every step of our The Fame Skincare Set (£85). Also available to buy as individual products, which includes Toner (£19.50), Lotion (£19.50), Essence (£20.50), Nutrition Cream (£19.50), and Eye Cream (£19.50). Ceramides act as a source of strength that protects the skin barrier and keeps skin looking and feeling healthy.”

'Skip Care'

Atomy absolute ampoule - Skip care K-beauty trend 2022

Skip care is all about using fewer products to get the same results. A lot of the newer formulations are combining the benefits of several products into one. Not only does this cut down on the steps in your routine, but it also contributes to less waste and fewer carbon emissions in transporting products across the globe, which is a key growth area in the industry. We combined must-have skincare ingredients like Niacinamide, Green tea, Centella, Glycerin, and Oat kernel extract to create an effective do-it-all Absolute Ampoule (£36). With this ampule, you're treating your skin to anti-ageing, soothing, exfoliating, brightening, and acne-busting ingredients. Simply top with your favourite moisturiser and SPF and you’re set for the day!”


scalpcare atomy k-beauty trends 2022

“In Korea, we devote as much TLC to the skin on our head as we do to our facial skincare routines, and this is only going to become more dedicated in the New Year. It’s the scalp that really controls the health of the hair. So what’s going on in the follicle and the skin around the follicle could make the difference in whether you’re losing more hair, or maintaining your hair, and whether you have healthy hair or brittle hair. Our Scalpcare Set (£23) includes a shampoo and conditioner that incorporates Niacinamide, Neem, Arnica, Shikakai, Avocado, Henna, and Biotin to cleanse, nourish and balance the scalp.”

Oral Care

oral care Korean beauty secrets trends 2022- Atomy propolis toothpaste

“In Korea, we are very thorough when it comes to our dental hygiene. Multiply the dedication we have to our skincare by 10! We clean our teeth after every meal as well as after drinking coffee and often carry a toothbrush around with us in our bags. In some places, you can even find free toothbrushes in bathrooms. Our Atomy Toothbrush (8pcs at £8) have super slim, flexible bristles with an anti-bacterial membrane for more effective removal of plaque and also to keep the toothbrush itself clean in between uses. Our Propolis Toothpaste (4pcs at £4) uses green tea and propolis extract as they are effective in minimising bacteria growth, as well as reducing bad breath.”

The Need-To-Know Ingredient

Pomegranate supplements - Atomy k-beauty trends 2022

“Last but certainly not least we have the need-to-know ingredient for 2022. In 2021 Korea saw a large increase in supplement consumption, as our knowledge of the benefits of inner health and wellbeing for our outer, increases. Ellagic acid acts as an antioxidant and can decrease levels of inflammation to protect against disease. It can also help lighten your skin by blocking the activity of an enzyme involved in melanin production, as well as moisturising skin from the inside out, which is why we use it in the form of our Pomegranate Mixed Fruit Jelly (60 sticks at £58). Not only will a daily dose give you skin benefits, but studies
suggest that ellagic acid has excellent hair growth-promoting activity.”

Thanks to Ruby and Atomy, K-beauty has no secrets... at least for now.

To boost your health inside and out in 2022, discover the range of Atomy skincare and wellness products online.

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 28 December 2021 10:57

Festive Skin? Make it Healthier!

Holidays are for relaxation and self-indulgence but your skin is not always that happy with it. Bruce Green, chartered scientist and founder of SOS Serum Skincare, explains why.

Fresh skin for the new year. Ph. Audrey Fretz, UnsplashPh. Audrey Fretz, Unsplash

Overindulging during the festive season does no good to your skin. Bruce Green, founder of SOS Serum Skincare, reveals how it goes hand in hand with some skincare dilemmas.

Holidays And Your Skin, What Bruce Says...

"First of all, we throw our healthy habits out the window and enjoy many alcoholic beverages, and eat more sugary treats, fatty foods. Alcohol is a diuretic, which forces water out of the body making it harder to rehydrate. It can cause the skin to look sallow and make pores and fine lines more visible. Sugary foods can result in a quick rise in blood sugar which can cause a spike in insulin. This jump can increase skin and hair oiliness leading to inflammation and potential breakouts. But this isn't me saying not to enjoy yourself! Here are a few tips that can help your skin this festive season."


Bruce Green's expert tips for healthy skin. HydrationImage courtesy of SOS Serum Skincare

"This is the big one. For every drink of alcohol, drink a glass of water – the one for one rule. Water flushes out toxins and restores your hydration levels."


How to make festive skin healthy. Ph. Ron Lach, PexelsPh. Ron Lach, Pexels

"I know it's tempting after a sparkly social evening to reduce or even skip your facial cleansing routine but DON’T! After hydration, this is the next most important factor to protecting skin from party fallout. But be gentle and use a non-alcoholic, mild or no perfume face cleanser. SOS Cleanse (£15) is perfect for this as it is lightweight and rehydrating."

SOS Serum Skincare Face & Body cream

"Give exfoliation a miss until your skin cell regeneration batteries are re-charged. Follow cleansing with natural non-fragranced serums and moisturisers like our  SOS Serum (£15) that delivers comfort, moisturisation and protection to the skin."


Bruce Green's expert tips for healthy skin. Ph. Kelly Sikkema, UnsplashPh. Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash

"Take advantage of an alcohol-free night in your schedule and have an early bedtime. Your body, mind and skin regeneration is crucial and you will instantly look and feel better for it."


How to have healthy skin for 2022. Bruce Green's skincare tips.Image courtesy of SOS Serum Skincare

"New cosmetics, skincare products and perfumes will often come to you as Christmas gifts but don’t slap them all on at once or your skin could have a freak-out! Wait until your skin has settled and balance restored before trying out a new skincare formulation; your skin could reject something for all the wrong reasons."

With these expert tips in mind, you can be sure that 'festive skin' can be healthy and glowy for the new year!

Published in Blog
Monday, 27 December 2021 12:06

Love the body you're in - For life

Ageing is a natural part of life, it is inevitable, but there is also truth in the saying ‘we are only as old as we feel’. Listening to your body really helps head off aches down the ages. 

Published in News

Dark circles are a common cosmetic problem. This skin concern occurs frequently and in all age ranges due to our hectic lifestyle, but what causes them? Above all, can they be eliminated effectively, once and for all?

Dark circles, causes and how to improve them. Ph. Ron Lach, PexelsPh. Ron Lach, Pexels

In this blog, we are going to shed some 'light' on dark circles and know more about the problem and how aesthetic medicine can solve it.


What Causes Dark Circles?

Causes of dark circles. Ph. Andrea Piacquadio, PexelsPh. Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

Dark circles can appear in two ways in the undereye area. On the one hand, they may be a periorbital hyperchromia, known as 'dark circles'. On the other hand, they usually appear by marking the bone of the orbit of the eye, leaving a sunken and marked groove under the eyes. These two types of dark circles can appear together or separately, and they have different causes.

The factors behind dark circles can be:

  • Lack of sleep. This is the most common of the known causes. When the body does not sleep the hours it needs to recover, dark circles appear.
  • Tiredness. It is directly related to the previous cause, although they do not always occur simultaneously.
  • Stress. Nowadays, this is one of the most common factors. Our lifestyle is becoming more and more frantic, causing the body not to have enough energy. Therefore, stress favours the appearance of fatigue and dark circles.
  • Genetics. Family history always plays an important role in the appearance of certain aesthetic problems, including dark circles.
  • Excess sun. Excess exposure to sunlight and radiation makes the skin age prematurely and contributes to the appearance of dark circles.
  • Age. Although it is not a determining factor, it can influence this skin concern.
  • Food. A diet rich in salt can encourage these unsightly spots to appear under the eyes, sometimes accompanied by bags.


Aesthetic Treatments VS Dark Circles

Aesthetic medicine to improve dark circles. Ph. João Jesus, PexelsPh. João Jesus, Pexels

There are many DIY and homemade hacks to treat dark circles, of course. However, both types of dark circles can be treated with aesthetic medicine. A previous diagnosis is always essential; hence, before starting any treatment, you should go to a qualified aesthetic doctor.

The main aesthetic therapy involves hyaluronic acid. This facial filler is used with great success to fill in deep lines and also dark circles. An even and smooth skin make a youthful look. Hyaluronic acid treatments conceal the orbital sockets of the eyes and give luminosity to your gaze. This treatment is one of the star techniques for dark circles, although it is not the only one. It is necessary to highlight that hyaluronic acid has multiple beneficial properties for the dermis but does not change the colour of the skin, so it is not suitable to treat dark circles hyperpigmentation. Despite this, it does illuminate the area by filling sunken dark circles with volume, thus achieving an optical effect of luminosity and vitality.

Other treatments such as peeling or laser are usually used to treat excess shadow of the dark circles. For this reason, it is essential to go to an expert in aesthetic medicine to determine the best treatment in each case.

Published in Blog

John Bell & Croyden – the renowned pharmacy emporium in London’s Harley Street Medical Area– is delighted to launch the first ever Lashilé pop-up gummy vitamin bar designed to help people support their wellbeing using delicious products.

Published in News
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 12:02

The beauty regime booster: LQ Collagen powders

The season is changing and many of us are now looking at ways to boost our beauty regime. The easy way is to include collagen into our daily regime, the easiest one is with collagen powder like best-selling LQ Collagen Powders.

Published in Beauty

'Beauty sleep' is not a buzzword nor a luxury. Sleeping is crucial for our mental and physical regeneration, to feel great inside and out. Women seem to struggle particularly with insomnia. Hopefully, aromatherapy can help.

Published in Beauty
Wednesday, 01 September 2021 12:00

3 ways to get fit and healthy without the gym

Gyms can be fairly polarising places: people either love them or hate them. If you are looking to get in shape, working out at a gym can be useful, but what about if the gym is not for you? In that case, you can simply find other alternatives.

3 gym alternatives to stay fit - Ph. rfstudio, PexelsPh., Pexels

Gyms are not for everybody, but they are not the only places where you can tone up, get fit, and get healthy. Gyms can be intimidating for some or expensive; they can get crowded, and be time-consuming if you consider the time to get there. Luckily, gyms are not the only option when it comes to working out.

Whether you are working out indoors or outdoors, there are still plenty of options for people looking to get in shape, you just need to know where to look and what to do! Here are 3 ways to get fit and healthy without the gym.



Hiking, gym alternative. Ph. Kamaji Ogino, PexelsPh. Kamaji Ogino, Pexels

One of the easiest ways to get fit without the gym is to take up hiking. Hiking is a great alternative because it allows you to get outdoors and get some fresh air, which does wonders for your mental health. Add to this, the fact that many hiking trails are set amongst stunning scenery, and it is easy to see why hiking is proving to be so popular amongst physically active individuals, especially since lockdown. Hiking is not just good for your mental health, it is also a great form of low-impact cardiovascular exercise, making it ideal for weight management, cardiovascular health, and fitness in general.

Hiking, get fit without the gym. Ph. Jaime Reimer, PexelsPh. Jaime Reimer, Pexels


Cycling, gym alternatives. Ph. The lazy artist gallery, PexelsPh. The Lazy Artist Gallery, Pexels

Another fun outdoor activity proven to help shed those extra pounds is cycling. Cycling is a great form of cardio that burns a serious amount of calories, while also toning the muscles, especially in the lower body. If you want to shape and tone your legs and glutes to build a defined and shapely booty, cycling really works the lower body muscles, while also promoting cardiovascular fitness in the process.

Now, you could take up cycling and hit some of the many beautiful cycle trails near you several times a week, or you could just swap the car for a bike and cycle to work or to the local store to pick up a few essentials instead.

Stream-home Workouts

Stream-home workouts, gym aletrnatives. Ph. Marta Wave, PexelsPh. Marta Wave, Pexels

Thanks to websites like YouTube, finding workouts everyone can perform at home is now easier than ever before.

If you are not keen on working out at the gym, or if you simply cannot work out at the gym, why not exercise in the comfort of your own home instead? Home workout videos are great because they are designed to be done at home with minimal or no equipment at all. From dance workouts and HIIT, to bodyweight circuits and yoga, finding workout videos and programs that you can do at home in your own front room has never been easier.

3 ways to get fit without the gym. Ph. Andrea Piacquadio, PexelsPh. Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

If you commit to these workouts and gym alternatives by really giving them your all, you will burn hundreds of calories, tone up, and get an awesome endorphin rush. You will feel better than ever before without the gym.

Published in Blog

This September skin supplement brand Advanced Nutrition Programme is ready to target one of the most common skin concerns around the globe: dry or dehydrated skin. With the cold season around the corner, the newly launched Skin Moisture IQ presents itself as a straightforward daily solution to dehydrated skin.

Published in News
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