Tuesday, 01 October 2019

Skinfood Best Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

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Photo by Dana Tentis from Pexels

Acne-prone is the condition of the skin that makes it more susceptible to breakouts. It's tough having acne-prone skin, especially with all the pollution in the air. However, your skin type doesn't have to dictate your entire life. You can try some of the tips mentioned below to prevent acne before it even happens. 

People with acne-prone skin need to take care of their face and skin more than other people would need to. Companies like Skinfood make sure that their products are compatible with all skin types. Skinfood is a Korean brand of beauty, cosmetics, and skincare. Skinfood is a retailer and manufacturer company that creates safe, organic, and effective products.

Acne-prone Skin Causes And Symptoms

There are currently studies to work out why some skin is acne-prone. One of the main reasons is hereditary. It means that if your mother or grandmother has that skin type, then you're more likely to get it. Dermatologists are still trying to figure out other factors.

Here are some symptoms that you may have acne-prone skin:

● Your skin has a reddish color to the majority of your face, especially the area where acne appears
● Elements like dust, dirt, and others could easily cause breakouts
● Your acne breakouts are severe, and occasionally have spots with heads

Taking Care Of Acne-prone Skin

Most people, especially celebrities, often say that the best way to deal with acne-prone skin is to use anti-pimple creams or take some supplements. However, putting cosmetics without proper guidance or routine could be more harmful to your face. Aside from that, not all supplements or products are going to work for your skin. Some may even have adverse effects on you.

You can take care of your acne-prone skin by using the right Skinfood products and incorporating them in your routine. Here are the best tips on taking care of your acne-prone skin:

Avoid touching your face with dirty hands. One of the most common causes of breakouts is exposure of dirt into your pores. If you put your face in contact with unwashed hands, then your acne-prone pores will trap the dirt even more. The pores of an acne-prone face are susceptible to any foreign elements, so you must limit the amount of dirt you introduce.

Make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly before applying your skincare routine or else you'll risk getting worse breakouts. Check your nails before you use a product because they could still contain soil or dirt, which could contaminate your skincare item.

Introduce products to your face one at a time. Acne-prone skin is more sensitive than the other skin types, so it's essential to practice caution. One common misconception is that putting random skincare products together can help your skin.

If you're dealing with acne-prone skin, you need to remember that not all ingredients can help. While AHA or alpha-hydroxy acids and BHA or beta-hydroxy acids are typically known to be anti-acne ingredients, using them together could dry out your skin.

To start your skincare routine, you should do the following:

● Use only one pimple treatment at a time
● Buy your products according to acne-prone skin specifications
● Check the ingredients
● Follow any acne-prone beauty and skincare blogger so you will have more information on what you can or can't do
● Use trusted products like Skinfood that use natural ingredients compatible with acne-prone skin types

Layer your skincare products from thinnest to thickest. Your skin is like a sponge that wants to absorb all the goodness you are applying, so it is essential to employ the most lightweight products first. These are water-like products such as toners, serums, or essences. Heavy moisturizers and oils will be used next because they help in sealing everything in. Oil-based products, in particular, have occlusive properties that create a barrier between the air and the skin. Anything applied on top of them won't come in contact with the skin.

The Korean 10-step skincare routine has the products in the order of viscosity to maximize absorption. Therefore, it's good to familiarize yourself with the process to make sure that you don't accidentally deter your skincare.