The traditional style inspired by Japanese culture combined with the warming comfort of modern Scandinavian design gives you ‘Japandi’. A well-balanced mix of design and taste focused on the common interest in minimalism of these two faraway cultures.

Cult contemporary furnitureSource:

When the home designs from Japan and Scandinavian countries meet, you have 'Japandi'. Coming from the very antipodes, this interior design is made of balance, harmony and a touch of welcoming warmth.

Based on simplicity and functionality, Japandi has both core elements of Japanese ‘Wabi-Sabi’ meaning– a world view centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection – and the Scandinavian practice of ‘Hygge’ which is defined as a certain quality of cosiness.

Keep in mind the following elements; organic, clean lines, rattan, bamboo, light/dark woods and functional accessories. Get the idea? A good saying to stick to when creating this stylistic and comforting interior style is ‘Less is more’, keeping your space decluttered and airy is the way forward with Japandi.

Give your dining room a Japandi transformation starting with the basics. Have this colour palette with you – beige to a soft grey – then get ready to fill your baskets with the following: Heaven dining table and the Lund dining chair for all your fine dining needs. The Alma sideboard for storage and a few decorative elements such as Iguaze pendant light, Olbia vase, Marlborough stoneware vase and the Cango table lamp. Combine all these pieces together and your personal touch, then there you have it: your Japandi style dining room!

Marlborough stoneware vaseSource:

Marlborough Stoneware Vase, Taupe £28

Cango Table Lamp, BambooSource:

Cango Table Lamp, Bamboo £79

Iguazu Pendant Light, JuteSource:

Iguazu Pendant Light, Jute £159

Alma Sideboard, Oak & Cane

Alma Sideboard, Oak & Cane £499 

Heaven Rectangle 8 Seat Dining Table, Black CeramicSource:

Heaven Rectangle 8 Seat Dining Table £799

Lund Dining Chair, Dark Grey & BlackSource:

Lund Dining Chair, Dark Grey & Black £229

Olbia Round Stoneware Vase, GreenSource:

Olbia Round Stoneware Vase, Green £42

At Cult Furniture you can choose from a wide range of modern and contemporary furniture, lighting, and artwork to create the perfect mood and ambience in this new 'Japandi' style.

Published in Blog
Thursday, 02 April 2020 12:52

Tips For Working From Home

As a direct result of the Covid 19 lockdown currently in place in the UK and indeed worldwide, many people have found themselves unable or unwilling to travel into their place of work, and are now spending time in their home, and working using laptops, phones and computers, from their living room, kitchen table or the spare bedroom.

Many businesses which have in the past worked out of large buildings, have realised that this way of working – where employees work from home, could be a way to reduce overheads and allow for more efficient business management in the future, once this lock down is all over!

With this in mind, Fashions Finest have some top tips, to help you get the most out of your time working from your home space, and help you to survive your isolation period while still working from home.

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Get Up And Get Dressed:

Getting up and dressed every morning will help to put you in a good frame of mind for working! You may decide you wear the same formal wear you would wear to work, or just comfortable sportswear, whatever works best for you is fine. The point is that the start of your working day is marked by getting out of bed, getting dressed and mentally preparing for a day at work!
This also means going to bed early enough to ensure you are getting a good amount of sleep and setting your alarm clock for your usual waking time too.

Set Regular Working Hours:

Working to regular hours, helps you to get into good habits for your daily routine, and it times like this, setting good routines are a great way of ensuring your day doesn’t drag on endlessly, and follows a pattern, which is great for your state of mind too. That way you know what time you start work, when you take breaks and for how long, as well as what time you clock off for the day. This is especially useful when you have a family. They know what time you will be available to spend time with them, and when you are effectively ‘at work’.

Sit At A Desk Or Table:

Having a desk or table to sit at ensures you maintain a good posture while working and you can organise your work space for the hours you are at work. This might be a desk in the spare bedroom, or even the kitchen table. Either works well to ensure you don’t slouch too much, and injure your back or hips in the long term, and it also helps to set you in the ‘work’ frame of mind, and ensure you are potentially more productive than snuggling up on the sofa with the TV and the lap top on your knees.

Take Regular Breaks:

Regular breaks help you to remember to eat, and stay hydrated too. Plenty of snacks and hot and cold drinks throughout your work day will keep your mind alert and firing! Break times can also include time to play with your children, teach a ‘maths lesson’ or do some arts and crafts sessions, or take a walk, have a little home workout session, or have a conversation with whomever you share your household. Its about doing whatever works for you and your own personal circumstances.

Spruce Up Your Work space:

cambridge 1221369 resultCambridge Imprint

UK company, Cambridge Imprint make patterned paper, stationery and home-ware with a sophisticated palette, and their beautiful, yet practical storage and filing systems are the perfect way for you to create a stylish and homely and functional workspace in your home, while still ensuring the area as not out of keeping with your own home décor. Also, you never know, home working could become a bigger part of your new post Covid 19 daily routine, and with all these delights on offer, you will be able to hit the ground running!

Keep Moving:

It will improve your mental state if you plan in times of movement within your day. That might be a YouTube/home work out every morning, then a late afternoon walk around your area, or a park if you are lucky enough to live close to one. Alternatively you could try something different like yoga or a work out using the things you have all around your home already. If you want to spend some money, you could even find an online personal trainer to help you stay fit and healthy in these most strange of times too.

Most importantly of all, stay safe while you stay productive, and don't forget to keep washing those hands too!
Published in Blog